
Custom Cursor Woes

2024-08-11 @ 17:09 (UTC)

So I tried to add a custom cursor. It isn’t really working :/ Here’s the GIF:
a purple butterfly cursor But it doesn’t animate and it gets messed up when you hover links :(
If anyone knows how I can get it working, please leave a comment, thx in advance

Astro Rewrite

2024-08-11 @ 16:34 (UTC)

I rewrote the site with Astro and it’s so much better! No more React, just HTML and JS! The total bundle is like 1/3 the size, it’s crazy.

I also removed “/embeds” (and all subpages) since they were a total mess and the client side JS involved was terrible. I briefly tried recreating it without all the React state stuff but it was still not great, so I scrapped it. GIF badges ftw!

I also made the “/changelog” page which uses some awesome Astro features. There’s a directory of markdown files in my repo, and every time I make a new one, the page updates with its content!